
There are few things in this world that are constant, things are ever changing. Our likes, dislikes, desires, passions, friendships, jobs, and in all this we all have a desire to have continuity and a sense of knowing what is to come. That is why we get stressed out or fearful, we do not know what is to come, because we know that most things in our life are subject to change, whether they will be for the better or the challenging. This
can make us feel alone sometimes, I especially have been going through a time in my life of big changes, and prayed and prayed for peace and a clear heart. But it wasn't until I realized something that my peace came to me. No matter what I am facing, no matter if everything in my life changes every single day, God is constant. What does that mean?
That means His love is constant, His mercy is constant, His power, justice, forgiveness, strength, are all constant, everyday no matter what changes go on. Now stick with me here for one second, we will come back to this.
Easter is right around the corner, a day where we get to rejoice in the fact that our Savior rose, and gave us life and gave us a chance to live our days on this earth getting to walk in faith. Now we all know that Jesus died, and on the third day He rose from the dead, to give life, but do you know that so did we?
---Romans 6 "Therefore we have been buried with him by baptism into death, so that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, so we too might walk in newness of life.For if we have been united with him in a death like his, we will certainly be united with him in a resurrection like him. But if we have died with Christ, we believe that we will also live with him. So you also must consider yourselves dead to sin and alive to God in Christ Jesus." ---
We are raised a new, Jesus's death had the power to set us free, so we can everyday turn to God and run towards Him and away from sin. Sin has the power to disguise itself, it has the power to cause doubt, fear, uneasiness, and overtake us, and lead us to forget that we too rise from the dead. WE have not conquered sin, but God did, Jesus did, and we have the chance now to turn away from it, and that takes courage. That takes being okay with the unknown, you see if we desire to be constant in our lives, then we are at a stand still, we are not changing in the light of the spirit, because the only thing in this world that is constant, is the only thing worthy of being it. God's love is perfect, God's truth is perfect, His wisdom, it is forever unchanging because He is perfect. So the day that Jesus rose, that day that sin was defeated and freedom was given to us by our unchanging King, is a day where we get to chase a life of faith-filled unknown. We get to wake up each day not knowing what is to come, and rejoice in the fact that anything could happen, because God WILL change us if we let Him, We need to let his constants change us. Only He knows all plans, only He knows what is to come, so why should we wake up everyday and stress and wonder and try to plan for a future we likely could never plan for ourselves. We need to accept the beauty of our ever-changing life and let that strengthen our relationship with Him. We are alive to God in Christ Jesus, celebrate that this week. Celebrate the fact that we get to turn our backs to sin, and rejoice in God, and rejoice in the family, friends, love, challenges, and everything He has and will give us in this life.
So. be filled with joy over the unknown, smile in the face of uncertainty, and rejoice in our constant King.
Also I know I am early but this is technically my Easter post so, Happy Easter everyone.
With Love,