What Are The Chances?

Destiny….these are words that we use to describe happenings in life we can’t quite explain. The times where we felt nothing but luck brought us to where we are standing, but in fact we should call it God. It is that simple. The times we look back on life and think, “how in the world did that happen, that was just crazy”, that was God’s work.
But we have to put ourselves in the situation to experience his work, we have to go out and try new things, meet new people, live and appreciate live. If all we do is stay in our same routine, doing what is comfortable, nothing new can happen, God calls us to explore what he made, the earth he made, the people he created, and in return he will give us moments and memories that will live in our hearts forever. All we have are these moments in life, and we have to create new ones. So go out and explore, and have faith, because the next crazy thing that happens can bring you joy, a smile, a new friend, a new story, and can bring you closer to God.
So what are the chances.